The system allows the user 6 different ways to invoke the specified process or link routine. The user can also specify an ‘A' type link, which deals with security. The link types are defined as:-

S (ubroutine)

This indicates that the process is an external subroutine that can be performed by utilizing the PICK/Basic CALL statement. This is ideal for those PARADYME routines that do not have extended COMMON area declarations.
If the user generates ANY routine that contains any COMMON area different from the standard PARADYME COMMON area, the routine cannot be run successfully by this menu system. If the user does try to call such a routine, erratic errors will occur as the result of different variables from the routines being mapped on to each other.

E (xecute)

This indicates that the process is a TCL verb which can be performed by utilizing the EXECUTE / PERFORM verb in PICK/Basic. Note that EXECUTING the verb results in the process returning to the menu. Any process that can be run from TCL is permitted for this entry.

C (hain)

This indicates that the process is a TCL verb which can be performed utilizing the CHAIN statement in PICK/Basic. Unlike the 'E' option, control does not return to the menu on completion of the process. The would commonly be used with OFF to log the user of the system

P (aradyme Menu)

This will tell the system that the link refers to another PARADYME menu to which control will be transferred should this option be selected. Note that on coming out of the linked PARADYME menu, control will return to the originating PARADYME menu.

M (ode Menu)

This notifies the system to bring up the mode selection menu prior to running an external subroutine. This menu will allow the user to set the MODE$ variable to ADD, CHANGE, DELETE or ENQUIRY before calling the specified routine.

N (o Delete Menu)

This is essentially the same as a M type except that the intervening mode selection menu does not contain the option to set MODE$ to DELETE.

A (ccess Control Item)

This type of link does not invoke any process. It is used to hold access control parameters. This record would be passed to the PD.VALIDATE.ACCESS subroutine in a user generated routine. It would be used to control access to functions within that routine.