Occasionally, the user may wish to set the value of the PARADYME variable MODE$ and not wish to do this through a M or N type link. This may be achieved by adding either the MODE$ value or the appropriate code to the end of the routine name entered for LINK and separated from the link name by a semi-colon. The codes are translated and then used to set the value of MODE$. These codes are 'A' for ADD, 'C' for CHANGE, 'D' for DELETE and 'E' for ENQUIRY. Thus to call the routine 'PROG1' and set MODE$ to ENQUIRY, either of the following could be entered for LINK:-


Note also that the passing of parameters and the setting of MODE$ can be combined for a LINK entry. For instance combining the two examples above, we would get the following:-


This link would call the subroutine 'PROG1', passing the parameters 'PROG1' and '1' whilst also setting the PARADYME variable MODE$ to 'ENQUIRY'.