At times, there is text present on the screen that the user wishes to copy to another part of the screen. This can be achieved by combining the L command (described above) with the S command described here. The S command basically SAVEs all the text on the line the cursor is currently positioned on from the character the cursor is on to the end of the line. This text is held in a buffer. It is the contents of this buffer that are LOADed back using the L command.

The syntax of the SAVE command is as follows:-

{ Save options } , { Save name }

Both { Save options } and { Save name } are optional. The save name will be the reference for the record that will contain the saved text. If no name is specified then the text is saved in a run time buffer.

Saved options takes the format:-

{ Number } { Option letter }

Where option letter takes the following values:-

No option

If no value is entered then the text from the current cursor position to the end of the line will be saved.


This is used in conjunction with a save name. This function will allow the user to CLEAR the item from the list of saved text. The item cleared will be that with an ID equal to the save name.


This will produce a listing of those text items that have been saved to file. It displays the first 60 characters of each line saved within the item.


This will save a number of lines. This number precedes the L. E.g. '4L'. If no number is present it defaults to 1. The lines are number starting with the line on which the cursor is sitting. If more lines are to be saved then there are to the bottom of the screen then only those to the bottom of the screen are saved.


This will save a number of words. This number precedes the W. E.g. '4W'. If no number is present it defaults to 1. The word count begins with the word on which the cursor is positioned and continues with the words to the right. If the word count exceeds the number of words on the line then only those present will be saved.